Friday, April 23, 2010

Android running on iPhone!

This is why I love the iPhone so much! Not because of that douche, Steve Jobs, but because of how robust the device can be once given to the hacking community! Jailbroken iPhone's are the way to go! I'd love to have a dual-boot system like this! Major kudos to you, planetbeing, for being able to come up with this, and to those who have helped move this project forward =)

Source: Android running on iPhone! | By: planetbeing, Linux on the iPhone
I've been working on this quietly in the background. Sorry about the initial video quality, but YouTube promises that the quality will get better as the video gets processed more. The back part of the version I uploaded to Vimeo was cut off.

I think that says it all, really. Donations via paypal to planetbeing at If you'd like to help, come join #iphonelinux on

Thanks to CPICH for reversing support, harmn1, posixninja, jean, marcan and saurik for patches, and last but not least, TheSeven for his work on the FTL.

Pre-built images and sources at Read the README. For generic openiboot instructions, there's plenty now that you can search for.

It should be pretty simple to port forward to the iPhone 3G. The 3GS will take more work. Hopefully with all this groundwork laid out, we can make Android a real alternative or supplement for iPhone users. Maybe we can finally get Flash. ;)

EDIT: Apparently on some iPhones, the installation of openiboot appears to be failing. This is being investigated (I can't reproduce it on my own phone), but meanwhile you can just do a "tethered boot". In openiboot console, don't install but do !zImage, kernel, !android.img.gz, ramdisk, boot "console=tty root=/dev/ram0 init=/init rw" (after installing the other images to the second partition).

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