Friday, February 15, 2013

Best of Web 4 - HD - Zapatou

The music and editing is simply superb! It's definitely an art to go through hours and hours of footage and piece them together so nicely. Good job, zapatou!


Everybody else see's an airplane graveyard. Robbie Maddison see's a personal playground with limitless possibilities.

Facebook Nerd

Definitely the glasses.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Shugo Tokumaru - "Katachi" (Official Music Video)

So how many trees do you think were cut down for this film? I say not enough! Muahaha... In all seriousness, imagine all the patience it took to get this created. Mind boggling!

Tough Guy Thinks He Can Take 10 Shots In A Row

Was it worth it, tough guy?

Mario, Peach and... Luigi?

I hope your Valentine's Day is better than Mario's!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hula Cam At Venice Beach, California

I'll never get tired of watching these Hula Cam videos...

Steven Jo - Ramen Noodle Soup!

Still better than the crap the music industry puts out... I want some Ramen now...

Knights of the Round Table Watch

Wouldn't you want to have a watch that has The Knights of the Round Table on it?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Paper War.纸片战记

Women can make guys do anything...

Zombie Apocalypse Preparation

This would totally work!

Room Service Prank


Monday, February 11, 2013

GoPro - First Person Fight Scene - Concept Video

Ever wonder what it's like to witness a hand-to-hand combat scene in a first person camera angle? Now you know!

Dave - Hey Dave

Dave is high as a kite!

Snowboard LED's

Night snowboarding just got awesomer!