Friday, April 6, 2012

Project Glass: One day...

If Google and Apple were to team up with this idea, it would be amazing!

Race Fail Into Win

He still lost...

Bat Head

Batman is always watching this dudes' back.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gandalf Longboarding

Gandalf the trollolol!

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer 2: IN LEGO

Now they should do The Avengers movie trailer in LEGO and the world would be a better place.

[Facebook Album Fail] - Volleyball Team

I do miss watching college women volleyball games...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


This play could only work once and it did. Pretty interesting.

Kimberly Cole Music Video Audition

Keith Apicary is a legend. I want a vintage Virtuaboy!

Went Outside Once

It's true. The outside does not have 1080p graphics. What a let down...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Raw Video: Batman Pulled Over

Even Batman isn't above the law.

Angry Woman vs Bike

Wow, I guess it was that time of the month for her. What a bish...

Dog vs Cat Diary

It's exactly how I think they would sound like if they could talk...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Welcome to Earth [HD]

While watching, this video made me realize how awesome our planet really is and what we as humans are truly capable of. Imagine what people 100 years ago would be saying if they were to see this? Amazing. There was a comment on YouTube which stated, "decrease the suck, and increase the awesome." If everybody would just put their petty differences aside and stop and smell the roses, our society could finally understand what living is truly about. These "thrill seekers" or whatever you want to call them, have the right idea. We should follow suit.

LEGO Transformable RC TANK

I hope this becomes a LEGO set because I would buy it in a heartbeat! Sooo cool!

Civil War Jenkins

Even during the Civil War, the great-great-great grandfather of Leroy Jenkins was screwing over his teammates. I guess we all know where he got it from!