Friday, August 6, 2010


Pretty cool rendition of what Aimbot in real-life would be like.

Submitted by: Cisco

Parkour Decision Fail

He was doing so well until the end... Now he's stuck forever =P

[Demotivational] - It's So Cold...

Oh political jokes, you never tire me!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nerds at a Gaming Cafe Fight Off Robbers

Don't mess with a gamer nerds system. You'll unleash a barrel of whoop ass!

Lego Universe Dark Horse Trailer [HD]

Another kickass MMO! DC Universe and now LEGO Universe! Ugh, so many good games, so little monies =(

Submitted by: Mike Acosta

iPhone 4 True Antenna Fix

Looks like it'll work like a charm!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar

These Old Spice commercials keep getting better and better! "I'm on a cart, heeyaw!" ROFL!

Submitted by: Janelle

Glowsticks In A Toilet (The Rave Toilet)

You know what happens when you mix drugs and glowsticks? You get the best idea ever! I so want to try this out!

Japanese Haircut

What will they think of next?? I'm torn between laughing and thinking this is actually kind of cool, haha. What say you?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Puppy falling asleep in a bowl of water

Warning: What you're about to see, is graphically CUTE! Awwww!

Cool Dog Mowing The Lawn

My dog will be able to do this, for sure!

[Demotivational] - Bicycle Cops

Yeah, I wouldn't want to mess with this copper! He's like Superman or something....

Monday, August 2, 2010

V Pomparkour Ladder Sport

I've always known parkour to be intense, but now when you mix in the element of ladders, holy crap! This is just mind-boggling!

Double Rainbow! OMG! What does this mean?

A couple weeks ago, I posted a video of the guy who saw a double rainbow. It was one of the weirdest things I've posted, but here's a hilarious parody of it. I swear, the parody is so much better than the original, ahaha!

[T.R.M.] - There's a problem, but someone is fixing it...

I should print this out and post it on the computers in the departments when I need to go back to the office to pick up something, haha.