Friday, October 30, 2009

2009 Best Apple iPhone Costume ever!

Pretty cool costume. Not sure how they did it, but it's interesting!

Pumpkin Hangover

These pumpkins were partying too much! Haha, Happy Halloween!

Halloween Punch

This will always be a classic. I laugh every time I watch it, haha

Thursday, October 29, 2009

extremely funny mascot

This is too hilarious! I personally love the "I get knocked down" part, hahaha.

20 foot frontflip

When I saw the title, I couldn't believe it either, but then I watched it and it was pretty amazing! Now, I must say that it looks like he went over the line slightly, but nonetheless, it was still awesome!

Professional Parking

Douchebag... In a bimmer... Who would've thunk, right? People like this piss me off. Society has gone downhill drastically fast. If only people would leave notes when they f up majorly... Hopefully he/she gets in a head-on collision with a semi-truck.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reading between the lines

My respect for the Governator is coming back! Hahaha, this is absolutely brilliant!

Source: Reading between the lines | By: Capitol Weekly Staff, Capitol Weekly
Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, famously told the governor to “kiss my gay ass” at a Democratic fundraiser last month. Two days later, the governor responded in the veto message of one of Ammiano’s bills.

Earlier in the month, the San Francisco Democrat was at a boisterous Democratic fund-raiser when Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger stopped by to say hello. The governor, a guest of former Mayor Willie Brown, said a few words of greeting and extolled the virtues of bipartisanship. But Democrats, unhappy with the governor in their midst, booed loudly.

“Kiss my gay ass!” Ammiano shouted out.

Schwarzenegger smiled and left. But he was plotting his move.

On Oct. 11, the governor vetoed Ammiano’s AB 1176, with a seemingly innocuous and vague veto message.

Innocent enough. But when read on the governor’s Web site, the first letter of the last two paragraphs line up to spell out a clear, if crude message.


The apparent coded message was first reported in the San Francisco Bay Guardian . You can see the PDF on the governor’s Web site.

Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said the hidden message was a "strange coincidence."

"When you veto so many bills, something like this is bound to happen," he said with a straight face.

McLear noted the first lines of other veto messages spell out things like "soap,” “poet” and "bad tap." Presumably that's not a commentary on any member's hygiene, literary skill or dancing prowess.

Of the eight Ammiano bills that reached the governor’s desk, two were signed and six were vetoed.

Submitted by: Zane


Remi Gaillard is a French man who goes around playing pranks on random people. Some get a laugh, others get pissed. The ones that get pissed are hilarious, haha. Be sure to check out his other videos by clicking here.

Submitted by: Janelle

McDonald Lights

So every light depicts a McDonald's here in the U.S. Pretty cool and yet scary at the same time!

Submitted by: Janelle

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

[Demotivational] - Microwaves

Nice! Who would've thunk? Haha...

Hit and Run Karma

Dumbass. That's all that needs to be said.

Man Shoots Anvil 200 Feet in the Air

Gay Wilkinson, yes, his first name is Gay, shows us how to shoot an anvil into the air. Pretty slick!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Baby elephant sneezes and scares himself.

Hahaha, poor thing. Way too cute!

Bent Objects by Terry Border: The Secret Life of Everyday Things

Terry Border is an artist that incorporates both food and other random objects together to create lifelike scenes. Definitely pretty wicked! Here's some of his other work

Kiwi Getting Ready for the Beach

Submitted by: Glynn

Prayer to Jesus Takes Gun From Bank Robber's Hand

Hard times we're living in, but interesting nonetheless. Still kind of shocked that the guy robbed the lady still, but it was only for 20 bucks and he later turned himself in... Crazy