Friday, July 22, 2011

Fight In Vegas Guys gets beat by 5 People But Karma Is a Bitchhh

When you jump a guy 5 on 1, you have to realize that your just desserts will be coming around too... Way to go champ!

Kung Fu Volleyball or Kung Fu Soccer?

Now THIS is a sport! Where do I sign up?!?

Rain Bacon

Heh heh heh, light bulb! :D

Submitted by: Eugene

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Coat of Arms

I think the descriptions for each of the coat of arms are spot on. Let's go Finland!

Browser Wars

Poor Internet Explorer... I hope that glue tastes good, though! Keep trying!

Google+ Status Edit

I'll need to do this!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wingsuit BASE Jumping - Shane Murphy - Adrenaline Geeks

I really need to overcome my fear of heights and do this! It's definitely on my bucket list!

India Pizza Hut

I want to go to there! India's Pizza Hut seems so much more badass than America's...

The Dark Knight Rices

I'm so looking forward to this movie!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Like a BUS!

Bus 62, you are epic!

Silat Suffian Bela Diri - 12 Essential Gun / Firearm Disarms

Now this is a class worth taking!

How Do You Pronounce This Name: "Le-a"

This kids' mom is a dumbass.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Terminator 2 - 20 years ( July 3 1991 - July 3 2011)

An epic stop-motion comic strip tribute to Terminator 2 and its 20th Anniversary!


This dude goes to a porn expo and trolls the women there. Definitely NSFW, but oh so hilarious!

[Demotivational] - Is It Just Me

Yeah, Wolverine is losing this battle...