Thursday, December 31, 2009
Hell Swallows Up a Bar
Looks like the Devil wanted his payment now... Repent! The power of Christ compels you! Hahah
Hey Ya: A music video
The Shorecrest High School video department produce this cool lip dub of Outkast's "Hey Ya" song using various students at the school and doing one continuous take. Pretty cool!
Submitted by: Glynn
Submitted by: Glynn
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Chinese Man Throws Bicycle at Thieves on Scooter!
Two thieves snatch a purse from a woman and ride away on their scooter, but wait! What's this I see? A Chinese vigilante who saves the day! Hahahah! This guy is a total BAMF!
Submitted by: Glynn
Submitted by: Glynn
A couple months ago, I posted a video of Remi Gaillard doing pranks while wearing a Kangaroo suit. Well, the guy is back again, but this time he brought over a Formula 1 vehicle! Hahaha! Sucks what happens at the end, though. Leave it to a French mo-ped cop to ruin things...
A pool filled with non-newtonian fluid
This is what happens when you mix cornstarch and water together... Quite interesting!
Submitted by: Eugene
Submitted by: Eugene
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The ESCP Europe Human Experience
The ESCP Europe group performs this amazing stop-motion video. I was skeptical about the lights, but when they flashed the room lights on and showed the giant glow sticks, my jaw dropped. Kudos!
Post Christmas
Monday, December 28, 2009
Антивирусный кот (Kitten Anti Virus)
This is the best anti virus you'll ever need to combat Malware, Spyware and all that other Shitware, hahah. Aww, he's so cute!
12 Days of Christmas TF2
If you're a TF2 player, then this will definitely make you smile. It's pretty wicked, haha. Enjoy!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Santa Wishes You Merry Christmas
Christmas Concrete Truck
Could they add any more Christmas cheer to this? No, no they couldn't, haha.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
An Ironic Snow Tow
As you watch, it's most likely not what you're thinking. It definitely wasn't for me!
Making Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" in Ableton by Jim Pavloff
It's a bit long, but so very worth it in the end!
Submitted by: Glynn
How to make Prodigy's legendary track "Smack My Bitch Up" in Ableton. Video describes, which samples were used by Liam in this wonderful track. Reworked by Jim Pavloff.
Submitted by: Glynn
Naughty or Nice?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Gadget of i-SOBOT
Toy/Gadget lover, this is the video for you! This guy creates weapons of mass destruction for the i-SOBOT bipedal robot. Seriously, this is soooo wicked!
Submitted by: RoyLyn
Submitted by: RoyLyn
Ataque de Pánico! (Panic Attack!) 2009
Ever wonder how much $300 could do with special effects? Well, Fede Alvarez shows you! What's awesome is that Hollywood contracts him for a $30 million project! Imagine what amazing work will be with that kind of budget!!! Suck on that, James Cameron!
Class Review
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
JULIAN SMITH - Techno Jeep (Original)
These group of people take actual sounds of the jeep and remaster them into an insanely awesome techno jam, haha. Pretty wicked!
Bass Tribute to Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Guy Dayan performs a tribute to Michael Jackson by playing Billie Jean with nothing but his Bass. Pretty tight!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Amazing Car and engine sounds....WITH MOUTH! (Air Cooled VW, Subaru, Import/Drift Car + MORE)
This guy does an incredible job of mimicking the engine sounds of cars and bikes. Pretty crazy, but I wonder how long this took for him to master this "art"? Haha...
One Man Army
HAHAHA! This is a total BAMF! This guy chases off an entire riot crowd all by himself... and WINS! Hahah!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
College Mascot Dunk Fail
ROFL! This guy is seriously hurt and NO one comes to his aide... That's messed up, but I'm still laughing, hahah!
Edgy Magic Trick
He literally pulled that one out of his ass! Haha. I'd like to see him pull a rabbit out now =P hahaha
Dancing Transit Cop Enjoys His Work
I guess it beats being shot at, right? If you enjoy what you do, then I guess that's all that matters, haha.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
DJ Steve Porter - 2009: That Really Happened!?! (The Year 2009 in Auto Tune)
DJ Steve Porter takes the best clips that happened during 2009 and autotunes it. Pretty genius!
Ringing of the Bells - The Muppets
Hahaha, this is awesome! I love the Muppets =D
Submitted by: Eugene
Submitted by: Eugene
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The best bloopers ever
Classic bloopers of the veteran fisherman Bill Dance. This guy, he seriously goes through it all, haha. Crazy stuff... I love it! Haha!
korean drummer rocks out
Dug this up from my archives. The drummer seriously gives it his all and takes the focus away from the singer, ahaha. Totally awesome!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Light Hero
This is pretty epic! Christmas Lights + Guitar Hero = Christmas Light Hero! Haha. Pretty sick how they got the lights on the wall timed with Guitar Hero music to land on the button press area perfectly. Definitely in the Christmas spirit!
student brings typewriter to class (CS 1301 @ GT)
ROFL! I didn't know they still existed! This is so awesome, ahaha
I'm Yours(ukulele)
Hahah, this kid is cute. His facial expressions and attempts at singing... PRICELESS! Hahah! If he doesn't bring a smile to your face, then you have a heart made of stone...
Friday, December 11, 2009
I Gotta Feeling PARODY I'm a Korean
So a few months ago I posted a video of Rucka Rucka Ali's "Ching Chang Chong" parody of Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow." Well, he's now back with another Black Eyed Peas parody of "I Gotta Feeling," hahaha! Sooooo goood! A definite must see, haha!
Submitted by: Cisco
Submitted by: Cisco
Evil Knievel He's Not
Haha, yeah you already know what's going to happen. Quad fails. I don't need to describe it any further, haha.
Russian Kid Gets PWNED By Class
The clip is VERY short, but soooo worth it! It gets funnier and funnier the more you watch it, haha. In Soviet Russian, backpack wears YOU! haha
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Noteworthy - "Poker Face" - 11/13/09
This. Is. Epic! UCB's A Cappella group, Noteworthy, performs "Poker Face." The main singers are Brian Wang and Joey Goodknight. Seriously, this is just too hilarious, haha
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
(HQ) Jarrett Jack ties shoe during the game vs Chicago Bulls
Raptor basketball player, Jarett Jack, ties his shoes during a live game vs the Chicago Bulls... You won't believe it until you watch, seriously. The Bulls do nothing to try to take the ball away from him. Basically, Jarret said, "You bitches ain't got shit on me" to Chicago, hahah
Wallstreet Fail
[Demotivational] - Douchebags
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Hoffomercial Commercial
Yeah, it's another Hoff video, but wow... This is just sad. I can't believe the Hoff did this, but what can you really expect from him?? Haha. I have the game, though, so it looks like I'll be awesome now =D
Submitted by: Eugene
Submitted by: Eugene
David Hasselhoff - Don't Hassel the Hoff
ROFL! One of the classics, but it's simply awesome. You don't Hassel the Hoff! =P
David Hasselhoff Song - America's got Talent w/ LYRICS
Haha, this is creepy, but very hilarious! It's also funny how the two people who buzzed him out voted Yes and the one who didn't buzz him out, voted No, haha.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Lights
bloods chicken dance
No matter how badass you think you are, with the right music, even you can be brought down to nothing, hahaha! This is just f-in brilliant!
Florida State Lineman
Not sure what was going on with this guy, but I guess he wanted to piss off his coach. "Think you don't need me? I'll show you!" Hahah
Friday, December 4, 2009
The drench Clever Hamsters jazz band - official ad
Hehe, very random and very cute. Hamsters playing instruments! C'mon, you can't deny that's amazing, ahah
Zombie Emergency Procedures
Thursday, December 3, 2009
5 Career Alternatives...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
[Demotivational] - When You See It
Police Sketch Fail
ROFL! Didn't think Mexico was in this bad of a shape, but graph paper and terrible sketches in hunting down suspects... Nice! Here's the real kicker though... From that sketch, they managed to catch the guy! No joke! Hahaha!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
iPhone musician Pork and Beans -Weezer, by GuizDP
GuizDP does a nice parody of Weezer's "Pork and Beans" song by using instrumental apps from the iPhone 3G. It's surprisingly pretty sweet!
When I Grow Up...
Monday, November 30, 2009
SOUR '日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)'
This must have taken forever to do, but I just love the mosaic! Pretty neat! =D
Submitted by: Janelle
Submitted by: Janelle
What are the odds for that?
I have no idea, but it sure did make a good laugh... Of course, my balls pulled a turtle on me, but still, that poor bastard made me laugh, haha.
Hehe, they all must be in a world of confusion, but I'm totally laughing my ass off from all of this, hahaha. I'm surprised the cop didn't drop to the floor when the guy fell down at the end =P
Friday, November 27, 2009
OS Xbox Pro Video Worklog
The geek in me just had a heart attack. I wish I could mod machines like this!
Source: OS Xbox Pro | By: Will Urbina,
Source: OS Xbox Pro | By: Will Urbina,
Before I begin talking about my latest build, let me just say this: I'm a PC. That's right, I said it. Back in high school when we got a shipment of brand new iMacs I was one of the few that wasn't lured in by the flamboyant colors and bizarre error sounds. While everyone else was using iMovie and Final Cut Pro I worked with Premiere, and later Avid. There was nothing I could do on a Mac that I couldn't do faster and better on a "PC". Now, though, that I'm looking to start my career in video production I'm finding a lot of employers are wanting editors who have experience in Final Cut. This left me with the distasteful choice of either setting foot in an Apple store or spending the next couple of months laboring in my garage, with the potential for serious injury. I of course took the easy way out; I present to you the OS Xbox Pro.
One of my primary goals while designing this system was to create the best price per performance for running Final Cut Pro. A Mac Pro configured with similar specs runs around $4500. By simply watching for deals, and searching through a wide range of PC component manufacturers, I was able to build a system with a retail cost of under $1500—and that includes a retail copy of OSX. Add to that a copy of Windows 7 and Ubuntu and I've ended up with a computer that I might actually enjoy using.
- Intel Core2 Q9550S @2.93GHz
- Gigabyte GA-EP45T-UD3LR
- Sparkle GeForce 9800 GT
- 8GB Crucial Ballistix 1333MHz
- Highpoint RocketRAID 2640x1
- 2x 160GB 5400rpm Seagate Momentus HDD
- 2x 500GB 7200rpm Seagate Momentus HDD
- 16GB 1.8" Super Talent MasterDrive KX SSD
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Yes, you read it right! The Muppets perform the classic Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen! This right here is crazy awesome! Any Muppets / Queen fan will enjoy this!
Synchronized Robot Christmas Dance
It'll only be a matter of time before they become self-aware and we'll be screwed, but until then! They'll be our little dance puppets! Muahaha! Pretty cool stuff. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Extreme Merry-go-round Testing (Russian Style)
WOW! Those Russians are CRAZY! In Russia, playground plays with you! Haha.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Auto-Tune Cute Kids and Kanye
This is pretty sick. Some of the most popular clips to hit the web have been placed into this music video.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Most Amazing Indoor RC Airplane Ever
I thought this was pretty cool. The precise controlling of the maneuvers to the beat of the song and wicked stunts were pretty awesome.
Monday, November 23, 2009
LipDub Faculté de Droit - UdeM 2009
Man, all the good stuff happens after leaving college. I'd like to go back and do this with friends! After college, it's all downhill... Live it up during your time there! But anywhoozle, these people perform an amazing show lipdubbing to the song "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" by The Offspring (all time favorite band)! Enjoy!
Eating the evidence
So here's a little background story. This guy, John Ford, robs a bank in Twinsburg, Ohio, so the police are searching him for weapons and typical routine checks when arresting people. Well, that piece of paper that was placed on the hood of the car is supposedly the note he gave to the teller saying he was robbing the bank. ROFL! I just love how he reaches over and eats it, hahaha!
Submitted by: Matt
Submitted by: Matt
Friday, November 20, 2009
Drunk Girl Pole Dancing Gone Wrong
So I'm pretty sure this chick won't be invited to anybody's wedding anytime soon... Just look at the expression of the bride the entire time! It's also safe to assume that the groom won't be getting any action either. The chick was probably one of his friends =P
Two kite surfers jump over pier
Even though the title says two, the video shows the same guy twice. But apparently the two that did this are Jake Scrace and Lewis Crathern. Pretty wicked if you ask me! The guy in the video carry's his balls in a wheelbarrow, that's for sure!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Seeing my dog the day I got back from Afghanistan
This is the single most amazing video ever! Dogs truly are MAN'S BEST FRIEND! Major kudos to Lt. Andrew Schmidt and to everyone else in the military!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Command Center
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
DEADLINE post-it stop motion
I wonder how much time was spent on this... Had to take forever and a day >_< but the pay out is pretty cool!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Google Street View Guys
CollegeHumor does it again with their unique videos! You ever wonder how Google gets all of their street camera's set up? Well, here ya go! Hahah...
Submitted by: Glynn
Submitted by: Glynn
Friday, November 13, 2009
Extreme Base Jumping in Wingsuits
If I wasn't afraid of heights, I would so do this! This has wicked awesome written all over it!
Tim Hawkins performs this awesome song of this delicious restaurant, Chick-fil-A! Hahah. Be sure to check out his other work by clicking on timhawkinscomedy. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
How They Train for the Winter Games: A Sneak Peek
Ever wonder how people train for the Winter Olympics??? Well, here's how! Pretty intense stuff!
Submitted by: Janelle
Submitted by: Janelle
Secret Knock Detecting Lock
This is one of the best inventions that I've ever seen! A locking device that can detect the right rhythmic pulses of a secret knock. I want this for my garage apartment! Hahah. For more information, click here!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
'The Golden Age of Video' by Ricardo Autobahn
This. Wins. EVERYTHING! Seriously, the clips chosen for this video fit perfectly with each other. This is simply amazing! Good job to Ricardo Autobahn and Diva Schematic for putting this together! Major kudos!
Democrats - Trick or Treating
Yep, soo true! And yet, there are tens of millions of these people out in the U.S. who don't know better... Get ready to start giving up your income so that Joe-Blow down the street can receive the same benefits as you on YOUR dime. Sounds fair to me! I love living in bizarro world!

Submitted by: Janelle

Submitted by: Janelle
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
I'm in a Church
Filmed on the very same college campus that I went to, Walla Walla University, Logan Villarreal creates this parody of "I'm On A Boat." This is simply awesome and of course, all the awesome stuff has to happen when I don't go there anymore... Lame, haha.
Submitted by: Janelle
Submitted by: Janelle
Immates Save Guard's Life
Inmates are the last thing that would come to mind to save me if I were in the shoes of the guard. Pretty incredible!
The A-Team... Jr's...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So it seems I'm prone to having surgeries during the most random times... This time, it was for my appendix. Tuesday morning, around 1am, I was tossing and turning in bed with severe cramps and abdominal pains. After about 20 minutes of wrestling with that, I decided to head over to the bathroom where I was greeted with vomit and mud butt (mmmm, lovely story so far!).
After doing my business, I was still in pain. I wrestled with this for 2-3 hours. My parents were up at this time, checking on me. We tried all sorts of gas-relieving medicine, but nothing worked... At 4.30am I was in the ER at the hospital that I work at because I just couldn't take it anymore. They took me in immediately and started running tests.
While laying in the gurney, getting all kinds of drugs injected into my system, the hospital's emergency generators were being tested. A bit of a shock to all of us. Lights flickering, PC's turning off and nurses losing all their charting that they just had completed. Something unrelated to the generator check; one of the mobile computers (Computers on Wheels a.k.a COW's) was being unresponsive, so me being the I.T. employee for that hospital informed the nurse to just reboot. Everything was all well. That reminds me, I should go and document that on my time card since i was working during my off hours, haha.
Anywhoozle, I spent about 7 hours in the ER. The doctors requested that I get an ultrasound (it was a boy, btw), and also a CT Scan. From these tests and the fact that my white blood cell count was at 17500 above normal or whatever, the doctors said there's definitely something wrong. They admitted me for observation for the night and my surgeon was going to evaluate me later that night.
So I'm sent to my room (which was private, sweet! V.I.P. treatment!) and my family and even co-workers came by and visited. I'm pretty sure my co-workers thought I was faking the whole ordeal because the day before I was complaining about all the work that was presented to us... If only I was faking, haha. So we all joked around. They wanted to bring up a laptop so that I could still perform my daily duties. I had a phone in my room and if I had the laptop, I would be complete... Yeah, like that was going to happen! All joking aside, they wished me well.
At about 7pm one of my nurses came into the room and said they were going to prep me for surgery. My family and I were in complete shock because we were told that I was going to be observed for the night and if the pain was still there, I'll go through operation the next morning. Well, my surgeon found something that he didn't like and made a request for the OR to get it ready for me. Crazy!
So before heading over, my family and I had a prayer circle and wished me all the best. It was great. I'm not gonna' lie; I was scared shitless. I was sent to the OR room and the surgery was a success. Took about an hour or so with recovery being about another 30 minutes or hour. I have no idea because I was out cold.
My surgeon was telling my folks what happened. I had what they call in pure medical terms, "A pissed off appendix" (his exact words!). If I had waited another day or so, the thing would have ruptured! I was so lucky and I thank God that He guided me through everything. I'm usually stubborn about medical stuff and refuse to take medicine / see someone, but this time I didn't even fight it for one bit.
So I'm back in my room and just letting the nurses do their job. I'm pretty much out of it because of all the anesthesia. I saw pictures of my appendix and I'll tell ya, it was pretty disgusting, haha. It did look pissed off!
Breakfast time comes around and after not eating for OVER 24 HOURS, I was greeted with some of the best beef broth, jello and apple juice that I've ever had. Food has never tasted soooo good. It may have still been a liquid diet, but it was a lot better than having the IV feeding me...
My nurse informed me that after every meal, I should do a couple laps around the nurses station because walking around will help the healing process. Who am I to argue over a nurse who's paid to heal people? It'd be like a nurse trying to tell me how the computer works when they don't know anything about that sort, haha. So I did that, watched tv, and had my lunch which consisted of SOLID FOODS THIS TIME! Cha-Ching! I was living like a king now! Salad, potatoes, carrots, meatballs, a bread roll, apple juice and carrot cake! I had the biggest grin on my face when I saw that I was getting real food. It was great.
While eating, my nurse comes in and asks me, "So who wants to be discharged!?" I couldn't believe it. I didn't think it would be that soon, but it was. Everybody was saying that I was doing well and that I'm free to head back home. Again, who I am to complain? So around 2 or 3pm Wednesday afternoon, I was discharged. Made a stop at the pharmacy to get my meds (2 vicodin tablets every 4 hours, twice a day. MONEY!)
So here I am, at home now, typing this up before I head to rest up. And to make a long story short (too late), I don't think I'll be updating my blog for a bit. Sorry =/ But posted below is something that'll quench your thirst for a bit. For all 3 of you that check this on a regular basis, I'll get back to updating as soon as possible.
Enjoy the rest of the week and have an awesome weekend!
After doing my business, I was still in pain. I wrestled with this for 2-3 hours. My parents were up at this time, checking on me. We tried all sorts of gas-relieving medicine, but nothing worked... At 4.30am I was in the ER at the hospital that I work at because I just couldn't take it anymore. They took me in immediately and started running tests.
While laying in the gurney, getting all kinds of drugs injected into my system, the hospital's emergency generators were being tested. A bit of a shock to all of us. Lights flickering, PC's turning off and nurses losing all their charting that they just had completed. Something unrelated to the generator check; one of the mobile computers (Computers on Wheels a.k.a COW's) was being unresponsive, so me being the I.T. employee for that hospital informed the nurse to just reboot. Everything was all well. That reminds me, I should go and document that on my time card since i was working during my off hours, haha.
Anywhoozle, I spent about 7 hours in the ER. The doctors requested that I get an ultrasound (it was a boy, btw), and also a CT Scan. From these tests and the fact that my white blood cell count was at 17500 above normal or whatever, the doctors said there's definitely something wrong. They admitted me for observation for the night and my surgeon was going to evaluate me later that night.
So I'm sent to my room (which was private, sweet! V.I.P. treatment!) and my family and even co-workers came by and visited. I'm pretty sure my co-workers thought I was faking the whole ordeal because the day before I was complaining about all the work that was presented to us... If only I was faking, haha. So we all joked around. They wanted to bring up a laptop so that I could still perform my daily duties. I had a phone in my room and if I had the laptop, I would be complete... Yeah, like that was going to happen! All joking aside, they wished me well.
At about 7pm one of my nurses came into the room and said they were going to prep me for surgery. My family and I were in complete shock because we were told that I was going to be observed for the night and if the pain was still there, I'll go through operation the next morning. Well, my surgeon found something that he didn't like and made a request for the OR to get it ready for me. Crazy!
So before heading over, my family and I had a prayer circle and wished me all the best. It was great. I'm not gonna' lie; I was scared shitless. I was sent to the OR room and the surgery was a success. Took about an hour or so with recovery being about another 30 minutes or hour. I have no idea because I was out cold.
My surgeon was telling my folks what happened. I had what they call in pure medical terms, "A pissed off appendix" (his exact words!). If I had waited another day or so, the thing would have ruptured! I was so lucky and I thank God that He guided me through everything. I'm usually stubborn about medical stuff and refuse to take medicine / see someone, but this time I didn't even fight it for one bit.
So I'm back in my room and just letting the nurses do their job. I'm pretty much out of it because of all the anesthesia. I saw pictures of my appendix and I'll tell ya, it was pretty disgusting, haha. It did look pissed off!
Breakfast time comes around and after not eating for OVER 24 HOURS, I was greeted with some of the best beef broth, jello and apple juice that I've ever had. Food has never tasted soooo good. It may have still been a liquid diet, but it was a lot better than having the IV feeding me...
My nurse informed me that after every meal, I should do a couple laps around the nurses station because walking around will help the healing process. Who am I to argue over a nurse who's paid to heal people? It'd be like a nurse trying to tell me how the computer works when they don't know anything about that sort, haha. So I did that, watched tv, and had my lunch which consisted of SOLID FOODS THIS TIME! Cha-Ching! I was living like a king now! Salad, potatoes, carrots, meatballs, a bread roll, apple juice and carrot cake! I had the biggest grin on my face when I saw that I was getting real food. It was great.
While eating, my nurse comes in and asks me, "So who wants to be discharged!?" I couldn't believe it. I didn't think it would be that soon, but it was. Everybody was saying that I was doing well and that I'm free to head back home. Again, who I am to complain? So around 2 or 3pm Wednesday afternoon, I was discharged. Made a stop at the pharmacy to get my meds (2 vicodin tablets every 4 hours, twice a day. MONEY!)
So here I am, at home now, typing this up before I head to rest up. And to make a long story short (too late), I don't think I'll be updating my blog for a bit. Sorry =/ But posted below is something that'll quench your thirst for a bit. For all 3 of you that check this on a regular basis, I'll get back to updating as soon as possible.
Enjoy the rest of the week and have an awesome weekend!
Paper Folding Stop Motion
This must have taken forever, but it's so awesome! A lot of patience have gone into making this, no doubt.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ghost Busters Multitrack
This. Is. AMAZING! Matt Mulholland plays the theme of Ghost Busters in 14 part harmony. Seriously, this is just too good!
Grocery Store Musical
This group of people formed a team called ImprovEverywhere where they go to different public areas and perform musicals. Pretty random, pretty hilarious, and pretty good, haha. A definite must see for those who enjoy musicals =)
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